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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And a Turducken in a Pear Tree...

Welcome to the first post. And Merry Christmas. It's not Christmas yet? But it's already October, which is why I see most shops have set up the trees and strewn tinsel over everything except the customers. And you know what, I can live with it. I even appreciate that what the managers and marketers are trying to say with all the December decor is 'we love your money'. So do I. I love my money, so thank you.

What I hate about Christmas, though, is the turducken. Perhaps you have not glimpsed into the icy depths of the supermarket deep freeze lately, in which case don't. For there looms a freak of nature, a boneless, amorphous testament to greed, gluttony and genetic modification. It's like the Crocs of the food world, for no matter how good it may be, I won't be caught dead trying it.


  1. I prefer Beelark.



  2. Welcome to the world of blogging and puns killing people - what a wonderful way to enter!
